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​Take Responsibility

Responsibility is the ability to respond at any time and to any situation in a way that honors you as a person. Most people have been taught to view responsibility as involving blame, fault or burden. However, true responsibility involves taking full acceptance for every event, relationship, action and situation that occurs in our lives. Being responsible means that there are no victims created by life's events. In some way, every person, event or challenge that we encounter in life is the result of decisions we have made. This does not mean that events don't happen that are outside of our influence. 

Responsibility does not make anyone wrong or at fault, and it does not involve manipulation. When a situation touches our lives, taking responsibility means we take the interpretation that it simply occurred as opposed to the interpretation that it happened to us. Having responsibility implies that you are the designer of who you are, what you have and what you do. Since it's your creation, you have the opportunity to change it if what you see and have is not to your liking.

When you take responsiblity it means giving up your "right" to make others wrong. It is about saying what you need to say without harboring ill feelings, resentment or getting back at the person in some way. People who take responsibility are empowered to respond to any situation with a self-assured, personal power and knowledge that they can affect change.

Remember that you are the source of what you attract in the world. Claim responsibility for everything in your life and decide to take the necessary steps to positively impact what shows up around you.